The Fuji Chemical Group, a parent company of the AstaReal Group, established in Toyama, Japan.
BioCaroten AB, a bio venture from Uppsala University, Sweden (later acquired by AstaReal)
succeeded in commercial cultivation of astaxanthin algae for the first time in the world.
Launched the world’s first natural astaxanthin supplement, Astaxin.
Began cultivation of astaxanthin algae in Hawaii, the U.S. (Closed in 2011.)
Established a BtoB sales office in New Jersey, the U.S.
Obtained the FDA-recognized GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)
status in the U.S. verifying the safety of AstaReal® astaxanthin as a food ingredient.
Established a second production facility in Washington State, the U.S.
Established BtoB and retail sales offices in Singapore.
Established BtoB sales offices in India and Australia.